Zurich Undergraduate Colloquium in Computational Science, Mathematics And Physics

Current Talks

This semester (Spring 25), the talks take place every Wednesday at 18:15 in the main building HG ETH, room TBA.

Past Talks

How to Give a Talk

Some useful information on how to give a talk:

I want to Give a Talk

Send us an email at clroth(at)ethz.ch with the following information:
  1. Your full name and the talk name
  2. Which department you are in and whether you are a bachelor’s or master’s student
  3. A short abstract of the talk (a few sentences are enough so that people get the gist of the talk)
  4. Preferred date of the talk
  5. (If you have an Instagram, you can send us your handle and we will link it)
If you don't know all the details yet, that's fine! You can just send us an email with the title and submit the abstract later.


ZUCCMAP is an acronym for Zurich Undergraduate Colloquium in Computational Science, Mathematics And Physics and is part of VMP (Verein der Mathematik-, Physik- und RW-Studierenden an der ETH).

We provide a platform for students to give informal, short talks on any topic of their choice within the realm of Mathematics, Physics and Computational Science —for instance, presenting their bachelor's or master’s thesis themes or just any other topic that sparks their interest. Although the topics of the talks are within these specific areas, everybody from ETH is welcome. The atmosphere during the talks is relaxed, with snacks and an apéro.

Why it's a great idea to give a talk

  • Share topics you are passionate about with others
  • Boost your CV
  • Talks are also recorded and posted on YouTube, so you can flex to your friends and others
  • Learn how to structure a short, informative talk
  • Practice giving talks (just in case somebody missed this)
  • Meet new friends

Why it's a great idea to come and watch a talk

  • Learn new cool things from Mathematics, Physics and Computational Science
  • Meet other students in a relaxed atmosphere
  • Meet new friends (also from other fields)
  • You can find a thesis topic
  • Free food and beer

Current ZUCCMAP Committee (Spring 25)

If you are a motivated student and want to make ZUCCMAP even greater by becoming part of the committee, send Marlo an email to clroth(at)ethz.ch .

You can follow us on Instagram to stay up to date.

And don't forget to have a look at our Youtube channel with all the talks.