We are looking for volunteers to take over the ZUCCMAP project next semester. Contact us and prevent these amazing talks from dying! nhotton(at)ethz.ch and afaroux(at)ethz.ch.

Zurich Undergraduate Colloquium
in Computational Science, Mathematics And Physics

Next Talk

When: 17/12 at 12:15

Who: Yannis Müller

What: What's the volume of an emoji, and… can I integrate that?

Where: ETH HG G5


Talks Schedule

Date Speaker Title
08/10 Noel Friedrich Oops, I accidentally made a Bitcoin Miner (How Bitcoin works)
15/10 Advait Dhingra Studying the building blocks of nature in the Large Hadron Collider
22/10 Nils Assmus Why your Rolex is crap - Frequency Metrology in the 21st Century
29/10 Žarko Bulić Uniform spanning trees and the Gaussian free field
05/11 Luis Wirth Lean4 and the Curry-Howard Isomorphism: The Deep Connection Between Logic and Programming Through Type Theory
12/11 Sergey Ermakov Magnetic Reconnection - From basic plasma physics to novel computational methods
19/11 Giovanni Giorgis Optimal Function Approximation with Deep Neural Networks: A Mathematical Perspective
26/11 Aparna Jeyakumar A Leisurely Introduction to Simplicial Sets
03/12 Anna Bickel Applying Physics to Medicine - Standardized Structure Naming: The Holy Grail of Radiation Therapy
10/12 Andrea Piccirilli Deformation Quantization
17/12 Yannis Müller What's the volume of an emoji, and… can I integrate that?